Business Security

Panic Alarms

This solution is provided by BLU SKY as an add-on to the BLU SKY business security package.

Duress alarm devices, commonly called panic buttons, can be worn on a person or installed beneath counters or desks. When pressed it will either silently or audibly signal for help. It allows a worker to feel confident to get on with their job, particularly lone and night-shift workers, knowing that if they need emergency assistance, they just need to press the panic button.

How it works

When the panic button is pressed, we can either:


What options are available?

We install either dual-press panic buttons in a fixed location or provide wireless pendants that can be worn by staff across the workplace. We have solutions that are suitable across a wide range of industries including retail, clinics, offices, schools, construction, manufacturing and warehouses.

Link cameras to see what’s happening

Linking cameras allows you to remotely see what is happening when the duress alarm is pressed. With our video monitoring service, our Security Alarm Monitoring Service can instantly verify what sort of response is required and dispatch emergency services if required. Learn more on our Video Monitoring Service here.

How to get started

Our technical team will help you with options regarding the type of panic alarm, how to access it, and what is to happen when the button is pressed. Contact our technical team today to design a duress alarm solution suitable for your workplace.

What our clients say